
Hemp Confusing Police?!

As a hemp/CBD user, it’s important to be very careful these days because unfortunately, police aren’t being trained on how to handle situations with legal low level THC products. Though hemp and CBD are legal, when dealing with substances that look so much like marijuana, cops may have trouble telling the difference. Because of the lack of training, many innocent people have been arrested and have even faced charges.

A hemp industry worker was pulled over outside of Armarillo Texas on Dec. 6 2019. He was transporting 3,350 pounds of hemp from California to New York (which is legal under Texas state law as well as federal law). He even had lab reports showing that the THC levels were under .3%. That didn’t stop the Texas cop from throwing him in jail on Christmas. He faced federal drug trafficking charges that carried a potential life sentence. The charges were eventually dropped, but the situation just goes to show how dangerous it can be to work in the hemp industry, and what to look out for as a consumer.

This is just one of many awful stories involving wrongful punishment due to hemp/cbd use and transportation. It’s so unfortunate to see legal products that give people relief end up causing more stress and anxiety. Both the FDA and the police across America really need to make progress in preventing this from happening. In the mean time, its best to refrain from using these products in public. If you’re traveling, make sure to bring documentation stating what the product is and how much THC is in it. And if for some reason an officer is giving you a hard time, make sure to remain respectful and calm.

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