
Cannabis Community Coming Together During Coronavirus Outbreak

The cannabis industry isn’t always a welcoming friendly community, in fact there’s a lot of competition and bad energy floating around that I wish could be put to an end… however recently we’ve seen many displays of thoughtful and caring acts from the industry, and a light needs to be shown on these awesome efforts. Many companies are helping healthcare workers and others are giving away free product to help those in quarantine stay sane! Our local cannabis stores are considered essential, and not only do we have to thank the staff for keeping the environments safe, but also the owners for everything they’re doing to help in these dark times. 

One notable Portland based company known as Lazarus Naturals is giving free CBD care packages to healthcare workers who are fighting the pandemic. The package is filled with awesome goodies like massage oil, tinctures, and Balms. Helping our essential workers to relax and sleep after a long day of putting themselves at risk is such an incredible thing to do. 

Many other cannabis companies have been using their resources to generate and manufacture hand sanitizers for donation to local hospitals. They’ve even been donating gowns, latex gloves, and face shields! CEO of CannaCraft released a statement saying: “when we started hearing reports of a shortage in hand sanitizer, we knew that we could be of assistance without negatively impacting our employees or our operations.” As a cannabis advocate myself, I couldn’t be more proud of my community. 

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