Cannabis for the Elderly
Thinking about your grandparents smoking a doobie might sound ridiculous, but
cannabis use in the United States in adults ages 65 and over has seen over a tenfold increase
between 2007 and 2017. Why might that be? Well, seniors have the most to gain out of any
group of Americans due to chronic pain, illness, opioid use, and anxiety. “It ain’t easy getting
old” says my grandma. And she’s right! Coping mechanisms are a necessity at her age. And
cannabis can be helpful in and endless amount of ways.
Pain reduction, help with sleep, a decrease in opioid use, loss of nausea, anti-anxiety,
help with depression, and appetite production are just a few of the many effects that help
seniors (along with the general population) to cope with aging. There are also so many methods
of using cannabis, making it easy for seniors to find the best way for them. And dosing has
gotten so streamlined in the medical market, its easy to know how to avoid taking too much or
too little.
As more states legalize both recreational and medical cannabis, the numbers of seniors
who use cannabis are expected to skyrocket. It’s unfortunate, but those hanging on to the
negative stigma will miss out on this wonderful method of pain relief. It’s important to remind
your older family members how much healthier a natural alternative is to an opioid. Maybe try
persuading grandpa to swap his wine or scotch for a low does cannabis gummy! It could help
him more than you know!